Wholesale 99% Assay Peptides Peg-Mgf 2 Mg/Vial for Bodybuliding
Modell nr.: PEG MGF, 2Ta sprutan med spädningsmedlet och tryck in den i injektionsflaskan med frystorkat pulver så att spädningsmedlet löser upp peptiden
Epitalonpeptider: >99%
Kategorier: Peptide and Human Growth Steriod
Specifikationer: 2mg/Bottle
Varumärke: WuMeiTech
Karaktär: Vitt eller nästan vitt kristallint pulver

Primobolan sreroider:
PEG-MGF Useful for: Site-enhancement and systematic purposes through increased lean muscle and fat loss
PEG-MGF Possible Benefits: PEG-MGF stimulates muscle growth (hypertrophy); increases the rate of muscle growth from training; rapid repair of existing muscle cells; increases in the number of muscle cells (hyperplasia); reduces protein breakdown; increases the rate & extent of muscle repair after injury
Consumption Method 1: Localized injection directly into the muscle immediately post-workout
Consumption Method 2: Subcutaneous injection into layer of fat
Preparation for Injection: Add 1ml (100 nässpraydroppar eller injicerbara) of sterile solution to the PEG-MGF vial. Every 200mcg is then equal to 0.1ml (10 nässpraydroppar eller injicerbara).
PEG-MGF Dosage 1: 200mcg (10 nässpraydroppar eller injicerbara) of PEG-MGF split bilaterally between muscles just trained i.e. 100mcg left side, 100mcg right side
PEG-MGF Dosage 2: 200mcg (10 nässpraydroppar eller injicerbara) of PEG-MGF is to be injected into abdominal fat
PEG-MGF Doses per Vial: 10 x 200mcg doses (10 doses per vial)
What is PEG MGF (pegylated mechano growh fact)?
MGF that’s pegylated, which means it has the addition of Polyethylene glycol – a non toxic additive that increased the half life of MGF from minutes to hours. This means its uses and versatility make it a tremendous addition to a bodybuilders arsenal. I have found it most effective, as its effects are systematic, that means they have a whole body effect wherever muscle has been damaged or is diseased.
How to use PEG-MGF
The next aspect we need to look at is how to make the most use of a long acting version of MGF.
When your muscle is damaged, your body releases a pulse of an MGF splice variant as I outlined above, followed by a less anabolic longer acting version from the liver. Därför, it seems a waste to inject MGF at this time as you will just blunt your body’s own release, your not enhancing it. So using PEG MGF on non workout days is actually the best route. Since the muscle has been damaged, there are plenty of receptors for MGF, and the effects are systematic. All muscles will be aided in recovery through increased nitrogen retention, protein turnover, and satellite cell activation. Recovery is just going to sky rocket. Doing this means you’re increasing the length of your body’s own mechanism for muscle repair and growth, and you’re opening up the anabolic window.