Anabolic Ratio and Androgenic Ratio Chart and Major AAS Steroids Profile
What is Anabolic:Androgenic Ratio?
Anabolic steroids are derivatives of testosterone which share two types of activity–muscle building (anabolic) and non-muscle male sex hormone related activity (androgenic):
- Anabolic, meaning that they promote anabolism (cell growth)
- Androgenic (or virilising), meaning that they affect the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics
Some examples of the anabolic effects are:
- increased protein synthesis from amino acids
- increased appetite
- increased bone remodeling and growth
- stimulation of bone marrow, which increases the production of red blood cells
Through a number of mechanisms anabolic steroids stimulate the formation of muscle cells and hence cause an increase in the size of skeletal muscles, leading to increased strength.

Anabolic Ratio and Androgenic Ratio Chart:
Product Name (Active Ingredient) |
Anabolic |
Androgenic |
1-Testosterone |
100 |
200 |
Anabolicum Vister(Quinbolone)(Oral Boldenone) |
50 |
100 |
Anadrol 50(Oxymetholone) |
45 |
320 |
Anadur(Nandrolone Hexyloxyphenylpropionate) |
37 |
125 |
Anatrofin(Stenbolone Acetate) |
107-144 |
267-332 |
Anavar(Oxandrolone) |
24 |
322-630 |
Andractim(Dihydrotestosteron) |
30-260 |
60-220 |
Andriol(Testosterone Undecanoate) |
100 |
100 |
Androderm(Testosterone) |
100 |
100 |
Androgel(Testosterone) |
100 |
100 |
Boldabol(Boldenone Acetate) |
50 |
100 |
Cheque Drops(Mibolerone) |
1,800 |
4,100 |
Danocrine(Danazol) |
37 |
125 |
Deca-Durabolin(Nandrolone Decanoate) |
37 |
125 |
Deposterona(Testosterone Blend) |
100 |
100 |
Dianabol(Methandrostenolone) |
40-60 |
90-210 |
Dimethyltrienolone |
10,000+ |
10,000+ |
Dinandrol(Nandrolone Blend) |
37 |
125 |
Durabolin(NPP) |
37 |
125 |
Dynabol(Nandrolone Cypionate) |
37 |
125 |
Equipoise(Boldenone Undecylenate) |
50 |
100 |
Esiclene(Formebolone) |
No Data Available |
Genabol(Norbolethone) |
17 |
350 |
Halotestin(Fluoxymesterone) |
850 |
1,900 |
Hydroxytestosterone |
25 |
65 |
Laurabolin(Nandrolone Laurate) |
37 |
125 |
Madol(Desoxymethyltestosterone ) |
187 |
1,200 |
Masteron(Drostanolone Propionate) |
25-40 |
62-130 |
Megagrisevit-Mono(Clostebol Acetate) |
25 |
46 |
MENT(Methylnortestosterone Acetate) |
650 |
2,300 |
Mestanolone |
78-254 |
107 |
Methandriol(Mythelandrostenedi ol) |
30-60 |
20-60 |
Methyl-1-Testosterone |
100-220 |
910-1,600 |
Methyldienolone |
200-300 |
1,000 |
Methylhydroxynandrolone(MHN) |
281 |
1304 |
Methyltestosterone |
94-130 |
115-150 |
Metribolone(Methyltrienolone) |
6,000-7,000 |
12,000-30,000 |
Miotolan(Furazabol) |
73-94 |
270-330 |
Myagen(Bolasterone) |
300 |
575 |
Nilevar(Norethandrolone) |
22-55 |
100-200 |
Omnadren(Testosterone Blend) |
100 |
100 |
Orabolin(Ethylestrenol) |
20-400 |
200-400 |
Oral Turinabol |
None |
100+ |
Oranabol(Oxymesterone) |
50 |
330 |
Orgasteron(Normethandrolone) |
325-580 |
110-125 |
Parabolan(Tren Hexahydrobenzycarbonate)-500 |
500 |
Primobolan(Methenolone Acetate) |
44-57 |
88 |
Primobolan Depot(Methenolone Enanthate)-44-57 |
88 |
Prostanozol |
n/a |
n/a |
Protabol(Thiomesterone) |
61 |
456 |
Proviron(Mesterolone) |
30-40 |
100-150 |
Sanabolicum(Nandrolone Cyclohexylpropionate)-37 |
125 |
Steranabol Ritardo(Oxabolone Cypionate) |
20-60 |
50-90 |
Superdrol(Methyldrostanolone) |
400 |
20 |
Sustanon 100 & 250 |
100 |
100 |
Synovex(Testosterone Propionate & Estradiol)-100 |
100 |
Test 400 |
100 |
100 |
Test Enanthate/Cypionate/Propionate/Susp & Blends-100 |
100 |
THG(Tetrahydrogestrinone) |
No Data Available |
Tren Acetate/Enanthate & Blends |
500 |
500 |
Winstrol(Stanozolol) |
30 |
320 |
The androgenic/virilising effects include:
- pubertal growth
- sebaceous gland oil production
- growth of the clitoris in females
- increased growth of androgen-sensitive hair (pubic, beard, chest, and limb hair)
- increased vocal cord size and deepening the voice
- increased libido
- suppression of natural sex hormones
- impaired production of sperm.
The androgenic:anabolic ratio of an AAS is an important factor when determining the clinical application of these compounds. Initial steroid research sought to synthesize a compound which retained a high degree of anabolic activity coupled with a diminished androgenic activity, the goal being to produce a compound with a high anabolic yet low androgenic effect, or a high A/A ratio. Since steroids were intended for medical treatment patients could include men and women, and even children. It was therefore important to avoid any androgenic effects when providing anabolic treatment. (Edited by WUMEITECH.)
Major Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Profile:
Oxymetholone Anadrol Chemical Info:
Anadrol Alias: Androidin, Anadrol 50, Androlic, Adroyd, Adroyed, Anadrol, Anadroyd, Anapolon, Anasteron, Anasteronal, Anebox, Becorel, Dynasten, Hemogenin, HMD, Metalar, Methabol, Oxitosona-50
Anadrol Standard: USP28/BP2003
Anadrol Assay: 99.31%
Anadrol Standard: USP32
Anadrol Androgenic: Anabolic Ratio: 45:320
Anadrol Usage: Oxymetholon is a kind of pharmaceutical material, can be used as Steroid hormone, Anabolin.
* Anadrol 50 is without question one of the most powerful anabolic steroids on the market. Of all the anabolic steroids available on the prescription market it may be the most powerful of all.
* While many anabolic steroids can serve both bulking and cutting purposes most have a primary role and Anadrol makes no exception.
Oxandrolone Anavar Chemical Info:
CAS No: 53-39-4
Anavar Einecs No: 200-172-9
Anavar MF: C19H30O3
Anavar MW: 306.44
Anavar Purity: 99%
Anavar Appearance: White crystalline powder.
* It’s true that Anavar isn’t one of the most powerful anabolic steroids, but its benefits are also impossible to deny. When we consider the benefits it can provide along with the side effect friendly nature this is one of the better steroids ever made. If you’re looking for as much mass as humanly possible in the shortest period of time this steroid isn’t for you, but if you understand the hormone and what it can do then you may very well find it worthwhile.
*Anavar (oxandrolone) is everyone’s favorite oral cutting anabolic steroid. It produces clean, high quality gains in strength, and a very distinct hardening effect on the physique of the user.
Mibolerone(Cheque Drops) Chemical Info:
Product Name: |
Mibolerone |
Alias: |
Cheque Drops |
CAS: |
3704-09-4 |
Purity: |
>98% |
Molecular formula: |
C20H30O2 |
Molecular weight: |
302.45 |
223-046-5 |
Melting point: |
168-171°C |
Appearance: |
white crystalline powder |
*Cheque Drops (Mibolerone) is an oral anabolic androgenic steroid derived from the anabolic steroid Nandrolone.
*Cheque Drops is one of the most potent anabolic steroids ever made. Upjohn literature has stated Cheque Drops to be 5.9 times more anabolic than testosterone and 2.5 times more potent as an androgen.
Fluoxymesterone Halotestin Chemical Info:
Fluoxymesterone Alias: Halotestin
Fluoxymesterone CAS No: 76-43-7
Fluoxymesterone Appearance: white powder.
Halotestin Active life – up to 9 hours.
Halotestin Anabolic activity:1900% from testosterone.
Halotestin Androgenic activity:850% from testosterone.
Halotestin Level of conversion into estrogen:no aromatization.
Halotestin Level of exposure to liver: high toxicity.
Methasterone Superdrol Chemical Info:
Methasterone Superdrol CAS No.: 3381-88-2
Methasterone Superdrol Other Name: Methyldrostanolone, Superdrol; Methylsten; Methylstenbolone; Ultradrol; M-STEN; new superdrol
Methasterone Superdrol Chemical Name: 17A-Methyl-Drostanolone
Methasterone Superdrol Molecular Formula: C21H34O2
Methasterone Superdrol Assay: 99%
Methasterone Superdrol Appearance: White crystalline powder
* Methasterone, that many bodybuilders know how Superdrol, is an oral anabolic steroid that was once marketed as a prohromone.It is a highly anabolic, with less androgenic qualities.
* On a structural basis, Superdrol carries an anabolic rating of 400;nearly four times that of Masteron. It will also carry an androgenic rating of 20, which is extremely mild.This is a non-aromatizing anabolic steroid carrying no estrogenic or progesterone activity.
Testosterone Cypionate Chemical Info:
Testosterone Cypionate Name: Testosterone Cypionate
Testosterone Cypionate Alias: Testosterone Cyclopentylpropionate,test cyp
Testosterone Cypionate Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio: 100/100
Testosterone Cypionate CAS No.: 58-20-8
Testosterone Cypionate Purity: 99%
Testosterone Cypionate Appearance:white or off-white crystalline powder.
* Testosterone Cypionate is a highly anabolic and androgenic hormone making it a great steroid to use if one is in pursuit of more size and strength.
* Testosterone Cypionate carries a rating of 100 when measuring its anabolic/androgenic structure and this rating is used to measure all other steroids. This would make testosterone the “father” of all anabolic steroids used by athletes today. It should be noted; all testosterone compounds, including Testosterone Cypionate carry this anabolic/androgenic score of 100, as they are all merely testosterone.
Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Usage Guide:
Compounds with a high ratio of androgenic to a anabolic effects are the drug of choice in androgen-replacement therapy, whereas compounds with a reduced androgenic:anabolic ratio are preferred for anemia, osteoporosis, and to reverse protein loss following trauma, surgery or prolonged immobilization.
Determination of androgenic:anabolic ratio is typically performed in animal studies, which has led to the marketing of some compounds claimed to have anabolic activity with weak androgenic effects. This disassociation is less marked in humans, where all anabolic steroids have significant androgenic effects.
The standard scientific measurement of the androgenic/anabolic ratio of a given steroid is a comparison of the effects of the drug on the growth of prostate tissue vs. muscle tissue in rats.
As far as how this measurement applies to bodybuilding and strength training, the preferred compounds are those that have a high anabolic number with a lower androgenic number.
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Article by steroidology. Edited by WUMEITECH. All Rights Reserved.